
Every picture is worth a thousand words, right?  These photos will tell you much about how I grow my garlic.

An three day, April blizzard didn't stop these Chesnok Red from doing great.


Turban strain 'Xian' doing very well this season. Nice color too!

Rows, post weeding, mid May.

Early April, no weeding yet!

Mid April rows, Minnesota.


Rocambole curing.

Sunset and a tangle of large garlic plants, May, 2014.

 Rocambole "Killarney Red" and "Russian Red," May 2014.

Porcelain "Georgian Fire" and "German Hardy," May 2014

Asiatic "Asian Tempest" left and "Japanese" at center, early May 2014.

Compost recently spread, early May 2014.

Porcelain "German Hardy," early May, 2014.

Garlic coming up in March, 2014 at my Rockaway Farm

Garlic poking through this February, 2014.


We had a very wet spring at the farm in 2013. In Amagansett, that meant fog as well as rain.

Allium ampeloprasum  (aka Elephant Garlic) flowers not yet opened.

In a vase, I cannot think of any flower that lasts as long as these do. Picked three weeks ago, and now opened fully, these flowers still grace our place.

Porcelain strain 'Music' is named after Allan Music, who first brought the strain to North America.

Elephant Garlic, Allium ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum, closer to a leek than garlic is growing strong.

Rocambole 'Italian Purple,' setting sun and fog rolling in off the ocean, 2013.

Variety Porcelain, "Music" flanked on the left by Purple Stripe, "Chesnok Red" and on the right by Porcelain, "Georgian Crystal"

Variety Rocambole, "Italian Purple"

Rows and rows in April at sunset, 2013.

Forty foot rows, three feet wide, marked for planting by our homemade wheel dib.

The road to our farm field, Amagansett, New York, 2013.


Var. Turban "Tuscan" mid April, 2012

Var. Creole "Aglio Rosso" cloves before planting.

Garlic field mid April, 2012.

The frosty blue-green leaves of var. Rocambole "Italian Purple" in the middle row.

The spidery leaves of French Grey Shallots, Allium Oschaninii, in the middle row.

Straw bales used to mulch the newly planted garlic, late autumn, 2011.

Garlic is planted by hand, each clove wedged between two fingers.

Labeling each cultivar's location is important. The color indicates variety, letters the cultivar.

When harvesting Turban and Asiatic varieties, you want to look to the green leaf count. We harvest at 5-6 green leaves remaining, as above. Waiting too long will invite rough bulbs, and invite disease.

 French Grey shallots, Allium oschaninii, just before harvest, May 2012.

 French Grey shallots, Allium oschaninii, after shaking soil loose after harvest.

 French Grey shallots on the drying racks.

Allium ophioscorodon var. Porcelain 'Breezy Point' scapes, just cut.

Allium ophiosocordon var. Porcelain and Rocambole a few weeks before harvest, 2012.

Our 9-Bulb Bundle.

 Our booth at the Dumbo Arts Festival, Dumbo Brooklyn, 2012

Clove variety on display at the Dumbo Arts Festival. Porcelain, Marbled Purple Stripe, Rocambole, Asiatic, Creole, Turban, Artichoke, and Silverskin.

Also on display were sectional cuts of eight varieties. Front left is Turban, front center is Artichoke, front right is Rocambole. Middle left is Purple Stripe, middle center is Creole, middle right is Porcelain. Rear left is Asiatic, rear right is Silverskin.

 Large cloves of the Marbled Purple Stripe variety strain "Siberian."

A large Artichoke variety, named "Lorz."